How to make mistakes
So you’re a perfectionist? You like being in the comfort zone of your own knowledge and experience, only doing what you rehearsed a thousand times, in the fields where you excel. Mistakes.. you despise them, (you were always punished for making them), on the outside you look at flawed people with superiority but on the inside you are sent into a self doubting frenzy every time you break a glass in the kitchen or take a wrong turn on the highway.
Getting desensitized to making mistakes is what you strived for? Congratulations, here is your chance. Because you will make a lot of them. Every minute of every day.
A statement about being an adult
Adulthood doesn't exist. At least not in the sense that it’s a stage you step into at some point in life, a place where your elders want to see you the latest by your thirties, an elite club to which you automatically gain access when you sign a mortgage.
You've been thrown out of childhood into the unknown, like being spat out of a wave, and you've been trying to figure it out ever since. Always chasing something, career, money, status, things, people..
How to travel alone
There was a time when I used to love to travel alone. Throwing myself into a new adventure without knowing how it will be like. Being somewhere so faraway that my mundane problems seemed so small (not the ones in my head though but even those seem to be more silent when put into perspective) and life back home having more perspective upon returning.
But now, only two weeks to go until winter holidays, I felt stuck.
An open letter to the (inner) critic
You want to rebuild your self-worth after such an encounter but don’t know where to start? A first step could be writing down what you feel. Try ending it with a compassionate note about yourself. After all, you’re the closest person that could build yourself up again.
Use your anger to jump start on your goals
Use that anger to jump start on your New Year’s resolutions instead! Start working out for example!
Other people’s opinions
Everyday we hear people talking to and about other people, how they think they should handle a situation, what they think would be best, well meant advice but based on little background information and very much tainted with their own view on life.
Feeling sorry for yourself
Feeling sorry for yourself is like telling someone (in this case yourself) about a bad day you had. “Did you hear what they said about me?”
Decluttering my brain
After 3 years of therapy I realized that I'm only at the beginning of the journey.
Prove yourself wrong
You wake up with a slightly sore throat and you know immediately: this is it, it's the virus!! You try to avoid any movement because your lungs might not be able to take it.
Look back. You did it. You’ve come this far.
It’s Friday and you finished another week of hard work at home. Well, you were hardly working but since people at the office almost forgot about you, they will see the lack of results only weeks from now.
Get over yourself - job edition
Things were getting slow while working from home. You started procrastinating, browsing social media and doing the dishes. "I will have more confidence to make that phone call if my kitchen is tidy".
Get over yourself
Talk to a friend and list all the things you can't do right now, for example meeting new people. You weren't meeting new people even before pandemic restrictions but now the excuses feel so good and responsible.
Use your sense of duty to get creative
Have one of your friends casually mention that they would maybe need a logo / design for a possible future project. Or that they may need ideas for their website.
Use your self-sabotaging skills to get creative
You feel you have creative energy but you can't let it out. You need an impulse but encouragement from your friends is useless.
Use your procrastination skills to get creative
Use your procrastination skills to get creative!
Buy a lot of crafting and drawing props. Lay them scattered around your house, visible and available at all times in case your creativity hits.
Transform your hate
Transform your hate on the current situation into hate towards dirt - start cleaning!
Alternative way to trick yourself into exercising
You have been seeing IG post of your friends getting fit for 6 weeks now. Use the negative energy you have been building up by comparing yourself to them and say to yourself: I can do that too.
Trick yourself into exercising
Lying to yourself that tomorrow you will start working out is by now your favorite sport. Why not use that good mental exercise you have by now in reverse.