It’s Friday and you finished another week of hard work at home. Well, you were hardly working but since people at the office almost forgot about you, they will see the lack of results only weeks from now. Maybe even never, since they have their own shit to deal with nowadays. Does one even exist if one is not micromanaged by one‘s boss? You feel sad but you have an appointment and you can’t let your hairdresser see that you’ve been crying. You’ve waited so long for this moment and you want to make a good impression. Like you are coming out of the quarantine a better person and not like you’ve started day-drinking four weeks ago.
Try looking at how long your hair has grown since the „normal“ times. Every inch means days that have passed, days when you managed to overcome things, fears and obstacles, when you had new experiences, when you learned new stuff about yourself. Sure, most of them you only got by, only survived, but inch by inch you moved forward. Try this (it will be very very hard, I know): Be proud of yourself. Just shortly and quickly, we don't want to exaggerate. And if you don't manage, it's OK, I'm proud of you anyway.