How to make mistakes
So you’re a perfectionist? You like being in the comfort zone of your own knowledge and experience, only doing what you rehearsed a thousand times, in the fields where you excel. Mistakes.. you despise them, (you were always punished for making them), on the outside you look at flawed people with superiority but on the inside you are sent into a self doubting frenzy every time you break a glass in the kitchen or take a wrong turn on the highway.
Getting desensitized to making mistakes is what you strived for? Congratulations, here is your chance. Because you will make a lot of them. Every minute of every day.
Get over yourself - job edition
Things were getting slow while working from home. You started procrastinating, browsing social media and doing the dishes. "I will have more confidence to make that phone call if my kitchen is tidy".
Get over yourself
Talk to a friend and list all the things you can't do right now, for example meeting new people. You weren't meeting new people even before pandemic restrictions but now the excuses feel so good and responsible.