realistic advice

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Get over yourself - job edition

Things were getting slow while working from home. You started procrastinating, browsing social media and doing the dishes. "I will have more confidence to make that phone call if my kitchen is tidy". You suddenly get a phone call from your boss about one assignment that maybe has to be done by next week. You panic and start imagining that your boss can turn on your laptop camera and can see that you are still in your pajamas. Your guilt is through the roof. Use the guilt to quickly and productively finish all the assignments. Create new tasks for yourself and finish them as well. Send a bunch of emails to your boss with new ideas and questions. The new ideas came to you while you were trying to concentrate on a different task and the questions came up because you were spiraling and couldn't read the document right, but hey, no one has to know. Boom! You are the best employee now. At least that's what you think and it makes you feel good.

In reality you were the best employee all along.